


英 [liːn] 美 [lin]
  • vi. 倾斜;倚靠;倾向;依赖
  • adj. 瘦的;贫乏的,歉收的
  • vt. 使倾斜
  • n. 瘦肉;倾斜;倾斜度
  • n. (Lean)人名;(西)莱安;(柬)连;(英)利恩


lean 倾斜,依靠

来自PIE*klei,倾斜,词源同clime,incline. 引申词义依靠。


lean: [OE] Lean ‘thin’ and lean ‘incline’ are of course of completely different origin. The adjective goes back to a prehistoric Germanic *khlainjaz. The verb can be traced to an Indo- European base *kli- ‘lean, slope’, which has given English a wealth of vocabulary. Via Greek intermediaries have come climate, climax, and clinic, while its Latin descendant clīnāre has produced decline, incline, and recline.

The prehistoric Germanic verb formed from it was *khlinōjan, which has diversified into modern German lehnen, Dutch leunen, and English lean. From the same Germanic base come ladder, and also perhaps links ‘golf course’ [OE], which originally meant ‘sloping or rising ground’.

=> climate, climax, clinic, decline, incline, ladder, links, recline
lean (v.)
c. 1200, from Old English hleonian "to bend, recline, lie down, rest," from Proto-Germanic *khlinen (cognates: Old Saxon hlinon, Old Frisian lena, Middle Dutch lenen, Dutch leunen, Old High German hlinen, German lehnen "to lean"), from PIE root *klei- "to lean, to incline" (cognates: Sanskrit srayati "leans," sritah "leaning;" Old Persian cay "to lean;" Lithuanian slyti "to slope," slieti "to lean;" Latin clinare "to lean, bend," clivus "declivity," inclinare "cause to bend," declinare "bend down, turn aside;" Greek klinein "to cause to slope, slant, incline;" Old Irish cloin "crooked, wrong;" Middle Irish cle, Welsh cledd "left," literally "slanting;" Welsh go-gledd "north," literally "left" -- for similar sense evolution, see Yemen, Benjamin, southpaw).

Meaning "to incline the body against something for support" is mid-13c. Figurative sense of "to trust for support" is from early 13c. Sense of "to lean toward mentally, to favor" is from late 14c. Related: Leaned; leaning. Colloquial lean on "put pressure on" (someone) is first recorded 1960.
lean (adj.)
"thin, spare, with little flesh or fat," c. 1200, from Old English hlæne "lean, thin," possibly from hlænan "cause to lean or bend," from Proto-Germanic *khlainijan, which would connect it to Old English hleonian (see lean (v.)). But perhaps rather, according to OED, from a PIE *qloinio- (with cognates in Lithuanian klynas "scrap, fragment," Lettish kleins "feeble"). Extended and figurative senses from early 14c. The noun meaning "lean animals or persons" is from c. 1200, from the adjective.
lean (n.)
"action or state of leaning," 1776, from lean (v.).


1. She was feeling tired and was glad to lean against him.


2. Lean the plants against a wall and cover the roots with peat.


3. It is a beautiful meat, very lean and tender.


4. Visitors remember a lean, cheerful figure on horseback urging on his men.


5. Lean hard-training women athletes may men-struate less frequently or not at all.


